Friday, May 29, 2009

More from Dubai

We've been out this morning filming Gary Dixon of Dubai Spectrum, he talks at length about the network site, watch out for the edited interview next week.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dubai Spectrum doing the business

We created a network for Spectrum Personnel which is a business network for people living in, or contemplating a life in Dubai. It would appear that there are lots of people in one of these categories, the network is growing very quickly - 85 new members yesterday - and as of now there are 2360 members on the network.

The network is for business networking and, so far, it has been used for that purpose however, we have had to do some strict policing to control unauthorised advertising, a little spam and, the odd "lady of the night" promoting their services. All in all, the client is delighted with the progress of the network and the brand awareness it has brought Spectrum Personnel in the Middle East.

To visit the network please click here

Back to business...

Design Matters and Podcast Matters have been very busy lately on a number of projects which has probably contributed to the lack of posts on this blog. Not a good advert for what we preach I hear you all say. You're right, we should be posting much more often and in future we will.

Over the next view days I will bring you up to date with some of the things we've been involved in and show links, where possible, to the fruits of our labour.