Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Optimisation Tip

The 'Title Tag', the short description about the page that appears at the top of your browser, is one of the most overlooked tags on web sites.

The main mistake that web owners make is to have the same title on every page, this is not good practice. Unique titles are essential for web optimasation.

The search engine spiders will look closely at the title of each page. The spider's task is to get all the content from your site and then the search engine algorithm analyzes your content to determine what each page is about. If they cannot differentiate between your pages or determine that too many of them are too similar then you have a problem.

Furthermore, some spiders restrict the number of characters they read in the title tag therefore, you should ensure that you don't make the common mistake of starting every title with your name. e.g. Design Matters coprporate identity page...Design Matters portfolio page...Design Matters contact page. If you look at the Design Matters web site you will see that every page has a unique title and none of them start with Design Matters even though the name is in every title.

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